How to take care of your lips after a lip filler treatment

Lip Filler Aftercare

After a lip filler treatment, you should take care of your lips to ensure a long-lasting result and prevent any unnecessary swelling or discomfort.     

Galderma’s Head of Clinical, Debi Bottema, has three simple tips for post-treatment care that you should consider after you’ve received lip filler. Remember, it’s important to consult with your healthcare professional on post-treatment care and follow their instructions.


Tip 1: Gently massage the area          

“While you should avoid massaging or touching the area for 48 - 72 hours post treatment, a gentle massage in the days following can help to maintain even distribution of the filler. Avoid over massaging as this could increase swelling. Gently press your lips between your thumbs and forefingers and roll your lips between your fingers,” says Debi.    


Tip 2: Use a natural herb balm                         

Debi suggests that after your treatment, a topical balm containing arnica.

“Similarly to the gentle massage, avoid applying anything to the area for two to three days post treatment. Once this time has passed, you can apply a lip balm containing arnica. This is a homeopathic medicine that has been used to help address symptoms such as pain or bruising..”¹


Tip 3: ICE!                       

Finally, Debi recommends using ice or cool packs after lip injections to help relieve any swelling or discomfort, but best not to apply ice directly to the lips.

“After you’ve received lip filler, you may experience some discomfort and swelling in the treated area. This is common and will subside after a few days. In the meantime, you can apply ice or cool packs to the area to help reduce these symptoms. A bag of peas, wrapped in a clean tea towel and applied to the area is ideal for this,” says Debi.

You will normally see the final result of your lip filler treatment after one or two weeks once the injection-related swelling and bruising resolve.    




1.Healthline,, accessed 6 December 2022. NZ-RES-2200019. TAPS NP18926